We are on hiatus until further notice and are not taking submissions.
In the meanwhile…
Read and view work from some of our published authors and artists.
Thank you for supporting small, independent journals and magazines
and the creatives whose work populate their pages.
Please submit your best unpublished, polished, and edited work.
NOTE: While we only accept work that we consider ready for publication,
we may make minor edits to your submission.
This means that we’ll check for punctuation consistency and typos,
and we might suggest a few changes for ease of reading, in our opinion.
IF we do the latter, we always welcome your input and will never publish something
you’ve created without giving you a chance to view it and give your stamp of approval.
Please submit a query letter with the following information.
NOTE: Submissions that do not respond to ALL the following and are not submitted
as specified below and within our scheduled reading periods will not be read.
- How your submission fits our focus (Read our About Us page.)
- A brief bio
- Your birthdate (month/day/year) AND your astrological sun, moon, and rising signs. (If you don’t know, simply send us your birth info and we’ll figure it out for you. This won’t affect our decision in any way. Why do we want it? Astrology is one of the many systems of understanding human nature that fascinates us. And it’s fun! It’ll become part of your bio if your submission is accepted.)If you don’t know your birth info, we’ll need
- Birthplace (City, State, Country)
- Birth date (Month, Day, Year)
- Birth time (Hour, Minutes, AM or PM
To submit your work:
1) Go to the Current Submissions page and pay your submission fee.
2) Then, send your work to
- Put the issue and category in the subject line of your email. (E.g. Fall 2021 – Poetry Submission OR Fall 2021 – Fiction Submission)
- Place your query letter in the body of your email.
- Attach your work to the email.
POETS: Please submit ALL your poems in ONE document.
ARTISTS: Please submit your images in a ZIP FILE.
Simultaneous submissions are okay, however…
If your work is accepted elsewhere, we’ll be over-the-moon happy for you.
Please let us know if this happens so we can make room for some other worthy creative soul
and use our time effectively.
Response time – 2-4 months